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2023 Austin Boys and Girls Club Champions!

Champions!!!! 7-0

  • Rec Center Pop In Events Partnership with Austin Parks and Rec
  • Homework Assistance
  • Basketball Clinics Youth Basketball Clinic
  • Youth Boxing A.B. Cantu Pan Am Rec Center
  • Baseball Clinics Partnership with Boys and Girls Club of Austin
  • STEM Program Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Program

APD PAL: Kids, Cop and Community

The Police Activities League of Austin (APD PAL) is a 501 c 3 Non-Profit organization which exists to aid in the prevention of juvenile crime and violence by providing mentorships, civic/service, athletic programs, and educational opportunities to the youth of our community. The goal is to build positive relationships between Kids, Cops and our community.


Austin PAL Staff

Austin PAL Staff

Austin PAL